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1911年に出版された HandBook for Boys (Boy Scout of America) から文字を起こしました。B.P.オリジナルのScouting for Boysに比べ、現代のボーイスカウト活動に近いように思います。差異はもちろんありますが、方針的にほぼ同じです。なお、中略のところには、「スカウトバッジは特許で保護されていて、勝手にバッジを使うと訴訟される」という、なかなかアメリカっぽい注釈があったりします。文字にしたのは、日本のボーイスカウトにもなじみ深い、モットー、ちかい、おきて、のパートです。平素な英語なので、読んでみてください。なお、Troopは隊、patrolが班のことです。


How to Become a Boy Scout (ボーイスカウトになるには)
The easiest way to become a boy scout is to join a patrol that has already been started. This patrol may be in (12) a Sunday School, Boys' Brigade, Boys' Club, Young Men's Christian Association, Young Men's Hebrew Association, Young Men's Catholic Association, or any other organization to which you may belong. If there is no patrol near you, get some man interested enough to start one by giving him all the information.
A patrol consists of eight boys, one of whom becomes the patrol leader and another the assistant patrol leader.
A troop consists of three or more patrols, and the leader of the troop is called a scout master. There can be no patrols or troops of boy scouts without this scout master.
The Scout Motto (モットー)
The motto of the boy scouts is Be Prepared, and the badge of the boy scouts is a copyrighted design with this motto, "Be Prepared," on a scroll at its base.
The motto, "Be Prepared," means that the scout is always in a state of readiness in mind and body to do his duty. To be prepared in mind, by having disciplined himself to be obedient, and also by having thought out beforehand any accident or situation that may occur, so that he may know the right thing to do at the right moment, and be willing to do it. To be prepared in body, by making himself strong and active and able to do the right thing at the right moment, and then to do it.

The Scout Badge (バッジ)

The scout badge is not intended to represent the fleur-de-lis(フレールドリス:ゆりの花), or an arrowhead. It is a modified form of the sign of the north on the mariner's compass, which is as old as the history of navigation.  英文中略~バッジの説明(初級、2級、1級のバッジの違い、バッジの特許、バッジの購入法)

The Scout Oath : 三指の敬礼の手の形の絵

The Scout Promise(ちかい)
Before he becomes a scout a boy must promise:
On my honor I will do my best:
1. To do my duty to God and my country, and to obey the scout law;
2. To help other people at all times;
3. To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and

When taking this oath the scout will stand, holding up his right hand, palm to the front, thumb resting on the nail of the little finger and the other three fingers upright and together.
The Scout Sign(スカウトサイン)
This is the scout sign. The three fingers held up remind him of his three promises in the scout oath.
The Scout Salute(敬礼)
When the three fingers thus held are raised to the forehead, it is the scout salute. The scout always salutes an officer.
The Scout Law (おきて)

There have always been certain written and unwritten laws regulating the conduct and directing the activities of men.  We have such unwritten laws coming down from past ages. In Japan, the Japanese have their Bushido or laws of the old Samurai warriors. During the Middle Ages, the chivalry and rules of the Knights of King Arthur, the Knights Templar and the Crusaders were in force. In aboriginal America, the Red Indians had their laws of honor: likewise the Zulus, Hindus, and the later European nations have their ancient codes.
The following laws which relate to the Boy Scouts of America, are the latest and most up to date. These laws a boy promises to obey when he takes his scout oath.

1. A scout is trustworthy.(信頼できる)
A scout's honor is to be trusted. If he were to violate his honor by telling a lie, or by cheating, or by not doing exactly a given task, when trusted on his honor, he may be directed to hand over his scout badge.
2. A scout is loyal.(誠実・忠実
He is loyal to all to whom loyalty is due: his scout leader, his home, and parents and country.
3. A scout is helpful.(奉仕・互助)
He must be prepared at any time to save life, help injured persons, and share the home duties. He must do at least one good turn to somebody every day.
4. A scout is friendly.(友情にあつい)
He is a friend to all and a brother to every other scout.
5. A scout is courteous.(礼儀正しい)
He is polite to all, especially to women, children, old people, and the weak and helpless. He must not take pay for being helpful or courteous.
6. A scout is kind.(親切)
He is a friend to animals. He will not kill nor hurt any living creature needlessly, but will strive to save and protect all harmless life.
7.A scout is obedient.(従順・服従)
He obeys his parents, scout master, patrol leader, and all other duly constituted authorities.
8.A scout is cheerful.(快活)
He smiles whenever he can. His obedience to orders is prompt and cheery. He never shirks nor grumbles at hardships.
9.A scout is thrifty.(質素・倹約
He does not wantonly destroy property. He works faithfully, wastes nothing, and makes the best use of his [161 opportunities. He saves his money so that he may pay his own way, be generous to those in need, and helpful to worthy objects.
He may work for pay but must not receive tips for courtesies or good turns.
10. A scout is brave.(勇敢)
He has the courage to face danger in spite of fear and has to stand up for the right against the coaxings of friends or the jeers or threats of enemies, and defeat does not down him.
11. A scout is clean.(清潔)
He keeps clean in body and thought, stands for clean speech, clean sport, clean habits, and travels with a clean crowd.
12. A scout is reverent.(敬けん)
He is reverent toward God. He is faithful in his religious duties and respects the convictions of others in matters of custom and religion.
